Enroll at Atlas

Gain access to Atlas plans by enrolling today.

Contact UsOur Plans and Pricings

Forms for Enrollment

Please download and fill out the enrollment form(s) below to access Atlas Health Benefits. Then, you may email the forms to support@atlashealthcare.org. We will reach out to you after we have reviewed your documents.

What to Expect

5,000+ hospitals, 90,000+ ancillary facilities, and 1 million+ health care professional service locations in the US

A range of plans and pricing to choose from

24/7 phone access to medical professionals with MyTelemedicine

Control of your health for a better tomorrow

Summary of Benefits

Please choose a plan below to access Atlas Health Benefits.

Summary Plan Description

Please download the document below to view Atlas Health Benefits’ Summary Plan Description & Plan Document.

For Employers

The new government mandate states that if you have 50 employees or more, the employer should offer health coverage. At Atlas Health Benefits, we provide access to a combination of plans, programs, and cost-sharing that will help you with savings now and in the future. We offer plans with manageable costs to keep your employees happy and healthy. With Star Health Provider’s network, you have access to doctors known for their clinical performance and efficiency.

Through our services, we aim to provide members with tools and resources that are cost-effective and reliable. We help them make beneficial decisions and manage their health care budgets economically. Our flexible plans let the business and employees choose one or several benefits that work best for them.

For Individuals

Atlas Health Benefits offers 24/7 telemedicine service and access to a wide range of specialists who can help you in a medical emergency. Our affordable and reliable health plans come in a range of prices.

With our service, there is no enrollment period required, and you get the same coverage, no matter which state you live in. We offer an array of plans—MEC 1, MEC 2, MEC 3, and MEC 4. You can choose a health plan that is best suited to your needs and finances. For details about each plan, get in touch with our live representative and decide what works best for you.

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